Range rehab and the growth of home rehabilitation

Starting in 2022 as a mobile physiotherapy service, Range Rehab seeks to bring physiotherapy to the patient’s door. Rehab in the Home services are quickly becoming the best alternative to hospital based rehabilitation after surgery or admission into hospital.

Studies in Canada, Australia, England, Japan, New Zealand, Spain and the United States consistently show in-home rehabilitation leads to equal or improved functional outcomes for the patient. Home is also the location of preference for rehabilitation for many patients. The evidence demonstrates there is an equal or greater improvement in quality of life, a decreased length of stay in the acute setting, lower healthcare costs, and risk of hospital readmission when compared to hospital-based rehabilitation.

Home rehabilitation has seen an increased level in uptake since the COVID-19 pandemic, with patients feeling more safe having their physiotherapy at home. Since 2020, it is estimated that 16,413 physiotherapy services have been completed in a patient’s home after a hospital admission.