Range Rehab is proudly registered as a National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provider.
We evaluate your specific needs and liaise with you to develop the most effective in-home treatment options ensuring that you’re in total control of how you want treatments delivered. If some of your goals are centered around accessing the community, we can also help with this.
The information below has been designed to help you, as an individual who has just started or yet to begin your journey with the NDIS, better understand what’s involved and how you can benefit from participating.
The National Disability Insurance Scheme was developed to help Australians under the age of 65, living with permanent significant disability, receive the support needed to improve everyday life.
The NDIS aims to help by providing greater access to Allied Health support services, and empowering individuals living with significant disability.
While the NDIS aims to improve the lives of Australian’s living with disability, the scheme, like most government initiatives, can be complicated and as a result understanding which services are covered and which are not can be difficult.
As a registered NDIS provider, we at Range Rehab have been deemed to meet all requirements stipulated by the NDIA. These requirements include our level of professional qualification, experience in care provision, capacity for continual support, and standards of operations.
As NDIS participants, clients of Range Rehab are eligible for services including:
Manual Handling
Home Assessment for Fall and Injury Prevention
In a nutshell…
“The National Disability Insurance Scheme provides support useful to the individuals specific disability.”
Based on this idea, the NDIS aims to support:
Improved functional independence: via physiotherapy, exercise physiology, etc.
Improved social and economic independence: via occupational opportunities and community activities.
Improved living conditions: via walking aids, communication aids, motor vehicle modifications and modifications to the home.
The individual: i.e. their disability and situation, are assessed to effectively determine what is ‘reasonable and necessary’ and the level of support subsequently covered based on this information.
Based on the idea of ‘providing support to the individuals specific disability’, the NDIS does not pay for services or support outside of this axiom.
This means, the NDIS will not cover everyday necessities such as groceries, electricity or luxuries such as magazines or cinema tickets.
Any services already covered by other areas of government are not supported under the NDIS. This includes X-rays, hospital stays, GP appointments, medications, dental costs and other services that would otherwise be covered by Medicare.
As mentioned earlier, the NDIS is available to Australians under the age of 65 living with a permanent significant disability.
As a Queensland resident, to qualify for support you must meet one of the following disability or early intervention requirements…
Disability Requirement:
You have an impairment or condition that is likely to be permanent (lifelong) that stops you from performing everyday activities independently.
You have an impairment or condition that is likely to be permanent (lifelong) that hinders your capacity for social and/or occupational participation.
Early Intervention Requirements:
You live with an impairment or condition that is likely to be permanent, where evidence shows receiving support now would benefit you for your future.
You are a child under the age of 6 with significant developmental delay in one or more areas of self-care for future independence, language and communication, cognitive and/or motor development.
The NDIS strives to ensure that you are in full control of your NDIS Plan and how things are set out. Due to this, you have four different options to choose from when you set up your plan. These are:
Self-Managed: This means you manage every single part of your plan. You do this yourself or you can nominate a family member or carer to manage this for you. In essence, it means you manage the funds yourself.
Plan-Managed: This means that you choose a third-party provider to manage the funds of your NDIS plan. You have control of what you want your funds spent on, and the plan manager just manages the finances of your plan. They ensure all your support workers are paid from the right support category, they take care of paperwork and work with your service providers to decide how and when you get the support.
NDIA Managed: This means that the NDIA will manage your funds. Under this option, you choose the service provider and the service provider deals directly with the NDIA to pay for supports provided directly
A combination: Because you have total control of your plan, you can choose different options for different supports.
Your Journey Through the NDIS Process
Assess Your Eligibility
Use the NDIS checklist to evaluate your eligibility. [CLICK HERE]
Reach Out to NDIS
Dial 1800 800 110 to connect with an NDIS representative who can address your concerns.
Map Out Your Health Roadmap
After your application is accepted, you'll collaborate with a Local Area Coordinator or Planner to articulate your needs and objectives.
They'll guide you in assigning your funding to the appropriate services.